The Power of Presence: Foundations of Mindfulness/Meditation
with Meg Zambell Wednesdays, 6 Week Session, 6:00-7:00pm - starting February 5th 6-Week Series (8 person max) - Drop-ins welcome - $30 Are you ready to cultivate your own mindfulness/meditation practice that can help calm the mind, reduce stress, and enhance presence in everyday life? This 6-Week Series is designed for both beginners and those who want to establish or reestablish a personal practice. The small-group setting will offer an inviting and intimate atmosphere. What You’ll Learn: The Benefits: Discover how regular mindfulness/meditation can enhance mental clarity, emotional resilience, neuroplasticity, and more. Practical Techniques: Each week, you will learn at least one new technique. You will also explore different hand mudras, healing sounds, and silence. This will help you figure out what works best for you. Overcome Myths: Debunk common myths, such as “My mind should stop thinking.” Tackle Obstacles: Learn strategies to help with common obstacles. Addressing your FAQs: Get answers to the most frequently asked questions. How It Works: Weekly Sessions: Each week, we’ll dive into at least one new technique, practice it, and reflect together. Speaking is always optional, but know that there will be various discussions before and after our mindfulness/meditation practice. Community Connection: Having a shared goal, practicing, and even struggling together will build a sense of connection and camaraderie. Together, we will support one another and celebrate our commitment to this life-changing practice. Practical Homework & Accountability: Daily, consistent practice is the “secret” and we will help hold one another accountable. You will personalize your homework. Receive Reference Materials: Receive notes on the day’s lesson as a reference for your practice and to utilize in the future. 6 weeks - $150 |
Wheeling Around: A Back-bending Workshop
with Rebecca Hannah Saturday, February 15th - 1:30-3:30pm Open level backbend workshop with a focus on wheel pose to open your heart this season! Learn how to build a strong and supported wheel and develop the awareness, strength and mobility to move deeper into your backbend practice. In this workshop we will cover: *The foundations of wheel including how to warm up your body properly and understand the alignment that works for your body *Mobility drills and prop based assists to open up the shoulders and thoracic spine *Fun transitions, creative sequencing and variations including wheel pose, camel to wheel, fore-arm wheel, hollowback, drop backs, wheel walks and kick overs 6 yogi min, 30 max $40. Rebecca was introduced to yoga through physical theatre and performance. As a performer she was initially attracted to the physical side of yoga and how it could be used as a tool for creative expression. After her 200h Rebeccar YTT in hatha followed by an additional 200 hours in ashtanga, she discovered a passion for creativity in different styles of movement disciplines. This interest was channelled into further trainings, including 200 hours of Yogic Arts with Duncan Wong (a fusion of martial arts, Thai massage and yoga), 50 hours Tripsichore Yoga Choreography, contortion, callisthenics, and circus arts. She has taught workshops, retreats and teacher trainings in over 20 different countries across four continents. This includes her signature training ‘The Art of Flex-ability’ which combines drills, assists, and transitions inspired by yoga, contortion, dance and Thai massage. Rebecca’s intention as a teacher is to help students discover presence through play, teaching sequences that are fun, innovative, creative and smart. She believes in a strong focus on developing the strength to safely support flexibility, while using movement as a tool for mindfulness, communication, creativity and self-expression. Visit IG: @rebeccahannah_ |
An Evening with Girish - Yoga & Kirtan
with Girish & Gina Sunday, February 16th - 4:00-6:15pm Flow to Live Music with Gina from 4:00-5:00pm. Experience the magic of live music - powerful Sanskrit chants set to modern melodies - while you practice yoga with your favorite yoga teacher. Let go and let your yoga flow through the beats and rhythms of Girish's soul stirring tunes. Class ends with a Sanskrit lullaby during Savasana. This is a truly magical and incredible musical and yoga experience that allows you to go deeper into your practice and your body. Stay for Kirtan with Girish 5:15-6:15pm: Girish, an accomplished musician of many genres, former monk infused in spiritual practice, loving wordsmith linking lyrics and rhythm in a blissful musical event, sings traditional Sanskrit mantras with a modern, funky, yet deeply devotional twist. Accompanied by his amazing band, Girish invites his audience to participate by singing along, call and response chanting, and dancing. Girish has been recommended by “The Guardian,” “O, The Oprah Magazine,” “Yoga Journal,” “Spirituality and Health Magazine,” and more. Girish's original music catalog of seven albums is popular in yoga studios and music festivals all over the world, and his book, “Music and Mantras” (Atria/Enliven/Simon and Schuster) continues his work to teach the art of meditation through music to the world. $65 - Practice & Kirtan $35 - Just the Kirtan (reach out to the studio) |
Alluem Book Club
with Jean Fitzpatrick Monday, February 17th - 7:15-9:00pm - Part 1 Join us for the discussion of Michael Singer's - The Untethered Soul.What would it be like to free yourself from limitations and soar beyond your boundaries? What can you do each day to discover inner peace and serenity? The Untethered Soul offers simple yet profound answers to these questions. Whether this is your first exploration of inner space, or you’ve devoted your life to the inward journey, this book will transform your relationship with yourself and the world around you. You’ll discover what you can do to put an end to the habitual thoughts and emotions that limit your consciousness. By tapping into traditions of meditation and mindfulness, author and spiritual teacher Michael A. Singer shows how the development of consciousness can enable us all to dwell in the present moment and let go of painful thoughts and memories that keep us from achieving happiness and self-realization. Copublished with the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) The Untethered Soul begins by walking you through your relationship with your thoughts and emotions, helping you uncover the source and fluctuations of your inner energy. It then delves into what you can do to free yourself from the habitual thoughts, emotions, and energy patterns that limit your consciousness. Finally, with perfect clarity, this book opens the door to a life lived in the freedom of your innermost being. Books available at the studio while supplies last. |
Yarn Yogis
with Cynthia Tarantino & Jeanette Valentino Sunday, February 23rd - 3:00-5:00pm Calling all yarn artists, fans and enthusiasts! Knitters, crocheters and stitchers! All are welcome to join us for a free circle of yogis and new friends to share your craft with and maybe learn a new skill! Both experienced knitters and novices welcome! Bring your own project. Be in community. Register online! No yoga will be practiced. |
Just the Nidra
with Clarissa Alliano Friday, February 28th - 7:30-9:00pm Join Clarissa Alliano for this Yoga Nidra Practice. "Nidra" means sleep. This guided reclined meditative practice takes you to the point of relaxation right before you fall asleep. Yoga Nidra offers a space to explore what your body and mind need in the present moment, as well as an opportunity to work on letting go of long-held emotions. It can serve as a pathway to freedom without creating bodily tension. This workshop is open to all levels! Dress in comfortable clothing, wear socks. Bolsters and blankets will be provided, but feel free to bring a pillow/blanket or eye pillow that may make you even more comfortable. $35. |
Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation
with Dr. Darren Orr Saturday, March 1st - 1:15-2:45pm Join us for our monthly Meditation Class with Dr. Darren Orr, Doctor of Chinese Medicine in Medical QiGong Therapy, Daoist Priest, NCTMB/LMT Massage Therapist, Reiki and QiGong Master, Meditation teacher, Sound Healer. During the course of our life many emotional, mental and environmental factors interfere with the emotional and mental state of the body. When the body is vibrating out of tune or non-harmoniously, it is called dis-ease. The human body is the sum of many vibrations emanating from the organs, muscles and nerves. Vibrations spread in waves. There is no better medium for waves as water. The human body is 2/3 water. This makes it the perfect medium for the propagation of waves. When a singing bowl is played, they call on the body memories of original harmonic frequencies. Heart and respiratory rates change, self-healing powers are activated and the immune system strengthened. The sound and vibrations emanating from the bowls re-tune the listener’s body by opening, clearing and rebalancing the 7 chakras, 20 meridians and 365 acu-points. When the body is vibrating in harmony with the whole, it is in a state of homeostasis, or sound health. Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing and bring pillows or any other items to enhance your own level of relaxation. All levels are welcome. $30. |
Qi Gong
with Dr. Darren Orr Saturday, March 1st - 3:15-4:45pm Medical QiGong is the ancient art and science of cultivating and balancing one’s life force energy or Qi (chee) for health, healing and well-being. This is done by combining posture with slow gentle flowing movements and stretches along with breathing, intention and visualization which leads you into a deep state of meditation. By calming the mind, QiGong allows you to increase stamina, balance, flexibility, vitality, relaxation, blood circulation, immune function and overall quality of life, then the natural self-healing ability of the body is activated and accelerated. QiGong is the foundation of Chinese Medicine, art, philosophy, culture and the martial arts. It is sometimes called acupuncture without the needles, Chinese yoga or meditation in motion. Qigong is the medicine, while Tai chi is a martial art. Qigong has all, if not more benefit, than Acupuncture and Tai chi because it’s much simpler and easier to learn and can be done seated in a chair, standing or even lying down. No Experience is necessary. All are welcome! Everything can be modified to meet your needs and condition!!! $30. |
CONNECT - Circle of New moms Navigating Everyday Challenges Together
with Tara Goldin Monday, March 3rd - 6:15-7:30pm Calling all New Moms! Come meet up with your yogi mama friends in this once a month group for storytelling, support, and laughter! Reconnect with with the moms you practiced with in Prenatal, or make new mom friends! Babies are welcome or take the much needed time for yourself! Register ahead. 4 mama minimum. Class package or Drop-in $25. |
Yoga & Eating Disorder Support Group
with Karen Gilmour & Trish McDermott Friday, March 7th - 7:30-8:45pm Join Karen Gilmour & Trish McDermott for an evening of support. The Yoga & Eating Disorder Support Group is a peer led group open to anyone in recovery from, or currently struggling with disordered eating (including Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder, Orthorexia, EDNOS, etc). This is a space for in person group support led by two certified yoga teachers who have been through treatment, therapy and know the everyday struggles of living with an eating disorder. This movement, breath, conversation, connection and community is something we found has helped in the healing process and we want to share it with others struggling. This is a space for practice to do just that - to ground, to get present, to release what no longer serves us and invite in all that does. This group is not a means of treatment and is not professional therapy. We are not doctors or therapists. The class will begin with 20-30 minutes of gentle accessible yoga for all bodies - including asana (poses), breathing, meditation and relaxation. The remainder of the time will be left for group discussion and open conversation around topics relating, but not limited, to body image, self love, self compassion and ways to fill our tool boxes to help ourselves in times of need. At no time should there be mention of numbers, weight and specifics of damaging behaviors shared as this may be harming and triggering to other members in the group. We are here to encourage healing, inspire recovery, and create a supportive space for those affected by eating disorders. (ages 18 and up) |
Yin Up the Wall
with Laurie Patricco Friday, March 14th - 7:30-9:00pm Let's take yin up another level, shall we?? We will energize and relax at the same time! The extra support of the wall helps the bones of your legs and pelvis to release into the pull of gravity. This is deeply relaxing for your hips, lower back and ligaments of the spine. To make the class extra juicy, the yin poses will be accompanied by river music! Then, we will do a deep river meditation to put you further into that happy place! And of course, (optional) lot's of massage offered on shoulders, legs and feet! $40. Laurie Patricco started practicing yoga about 20 years ago. Most recently, April of 2022, she completed her 200 Yoga Teacher Training with Lisa Ferraro and Michelle Weintrab through Sutra Seeds at Metta Casa Yoga in Scotch Plains, NJ. Laurie is also a certified Massage Therapist and she received her training with Dahn Yoga in Oradell, NJ which also included a week of healing training in Sedona, AZ. Laurie completed an intensive weekend Yin program with Naomi Pagan at Fearvana Yoga in Kenilworth, NJ 2024. Through her trainings, she has learned that yoga can absolutely change your perspective and your body. Laurie has given yin and restorative workshops at Root to Rise Yoga in Scotch Plains, NJ and also Kismet Acupuncture in Kenilworth, NJ For 20 plus years, she has been working in the school system teaching children with special needs that she finds equally rewarding. Laurie is married, and has two grown sons. When she’s not on the mat, she enjoys hiking, attending concerts, writing and offering new and interesting creative workshops to offer to our yoga community. Laurie resides in Linden, NJ. |
Soulful Sankalpa: Creating Lasting Change from the Inside Out
with Leah Kinsella Saturday, March 15th - 1:30-3:00pm "San" refers to our connection with our highest truth, while "Kalpa" means vow or rule. A Sankalpa is a vow or commitment we make to ourselves to align with and support our highest truth. To craft a meaningful Sankalpa, it’s essential to quiet the mind and listen to our deepest desires from a place of peace and safety. When we approach it in this way, we create our Sankalpa from wisdom, not ego. In the stillness of reflection, guided questions, and journaling, your Sankalpa will emerge. Join Leah as she leads you through meditation, group coaching, journaling, and yoga nidra to help you develop a Sankalpa that you can carry with you for the next 6–18 months. Think of it as more than just a goal—it's a guiding force for transformation. The class will finish with a guided Nidra and crystal sound bowls for a nurturing experience. Bring a journal.This workshop is open to everyone, whether you’re new to Sankalpa or have already started your journey. 5 yogi minimum. $35. Leah is a certified yoga nidra instructor, meditation teacher, and life coach. She has deep personal experience with the power of Sankalpa, particularly in her own journey to becoming a mother at 44 years old. Today, Leah is the author of The Pregnancy Deck©, a mother to her toddler, a meditation facilitator for Fortune 500 companies, a public speaker, and a passionate cook who loves nourishing her family. |
Reiki-Restore to Expand into Spring
with Cynthia Tarantino Friday, March 21st - 7:30-9:00pm Join Reiki Master, Cynthia Tarantino, for a Restorative Yoga and Reiki mini-retreat to refresh your body, mind and spirit so you feel bright and aligned with Spring’s expanding energy. Restorative Yoga is a series of poses that are supported with various props to create space in the body and calm the nervous system. Reiki, a Japanese healing practice, promotes deep relaxation and healing. Together these practices move the “life energy” through the body to clear stagnant energy and promote health and harmony. Come and immerse yourself in this 90 minute candlelit practice as we blend breath work, guided meditation, restorative yoga and an individual hands-on Reiki experience. As your body and mind relax deeply, allow the vital energy to restore and nourish you and leave feeling boundless and bright. No yoga experience needed. Space is limited. Registration required. 6 Yogi Minimum/12 Max $50. |
Partners Childbirth Prep Workshop
with Tara Goldin Saturday, March 29th - 1:30-4:00pm Hey mamas! Come join Tara Goldin, RN, RYT for an informative & fun workshop to help prepare your mind & body for your up and coming ‘birthday party.’ In this workshop we will explore a little deeper into how to access your connection to yourself and to your partner as a coping tool for the different stages of labor. We will learn breathwork, touch and positions, along with what to bring in your birthing bag to create the vibe that suites you best. Tara has personally attended over a thousand births as a labor & delivery RN, so there will be ample time for Q&A’s! This workshop is geared towards mama's in or close to their 3rd trimester. Please bring 2 pillows, 2 yoga mats, 1 birthing ball (available at FiveBelow), a pen & notebook, and your birthing partner. In Studio Only. Limited availability. $150/couple |
Spring Renewal Meditation Workshop
with Kathy Most Saturday, April 12th - 1:30-3:30pm Spring into action! Spring is a time of renewal and transformation. This workshop will help you clear out stagnant energy and plant the seeds you need to bloom this season. We will discuss the importance of nature for our mental and physical health, including gardening, earthing and grounding. You will learn ways to incorporate these practices into your life. Kathy will also discuss goal setting, helping you identify common obstacles that prevent many people from reaching their goals, leaving you with a clear plan of how to achieve yours. There will be two guided mediations: one to ground, connect with nature and release stagnation; the second to visualize and reinforce your goals. No meditation experience is necessary. Bring a journal and pen. 5 yogi minimum. $40. |
FOR ALL WORKSHOPS: Please cancel 24 hours in advance to give anyone on the waitlist an opportunity to join us! No refunds. Credit to account only. Any no shows will be charged the workshop rate. If minimum is not reached, credit Mindbody account only. Thank you for your understanding and your cooperation.